Batman Bridge by Haidy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This Photo is taken in Jacksonville Florida, I call it the Batman Bridge. It represents a place of tranquility where I can step back from the noise and listen to the silence. In that silence I found my inner voice that reminds me of my purpose in life. I love to sing in this spot because the acoustics of the water and the bridge has a tantalizing sound. I love it.
This is a place that means so much to me because I would go here whenever I felt I needed to clear my mind and really contemplate on my life goals, and how I would fulfill my dreams.
This place is not really well known with locals but the lucky few that do know about it enjoy fishing there, having a picnic, and having quality time with each other.
LOVE STORY (Where do I begin)
Performed by Asia's Songbird Regine Velasquez & Asia's Got Talent Gerphil Flores.
This song is appropriate for a budding blog.
With so many stories to share, where do I begin?
A love story...
My first and everlasting love is Music.
This performance is a testament for my own musical goals. I am a singer. I will travel the world someday; singing and performing to crowds and filling their hearts with song and happy memories.
As a singer, I've been singing all my life. I was only 2 years young, and I used music to conquer my fears. At two, my main fear was the monster behind the shower curtain while I unleashed my own bath bombs. I (Little Haidy) thought that if the monsters were really hiding behind the shower curtain, then when I sing, they would clap. I was not really expecting anyone to clap, but I wanted them to come out and proudly show themselves to me. It was only in the privacy of my throne room did I find funny songs to sing. Simply singing about anything that came to me. I would sing songs from watching MTV and Disney movies, and the occasional songs my parents would play at home or on the radio. Even to this day I can sing and listen to any kind of music under the sun, moon and stars. It was my unmistakable gift; To sing about anything in the bathroom.
This unmistakable gift has its flaws as any heroine in any journey. I have a knack for composing songs. If there was anything I was needing it would be a knack for writing the songs down. In the ancient Greek times, creativity was not really developed by a person, instead they had a concept of the genius. The Genius is not like what we know it as today, an extremely intelligent person. Instead it was this entity came with a person who would create the art that the Genius provided them with. Essentially the Genius was responsible for the creative aspect within a person. So when the artist has a creative block, the Genius was blamed for not being able to inspire creativity for the person to produce. This idea a saving grace for me because I no longer put such a big pressure on myself for the things I create. As long as I create something, I am happy with the work I have so far.
I know where I want to go, its this goal thats simply across the lake. Yet inorder for me to get to the other side of the lake, and achieve my goals I must look at the lilypad. Looking at the whole lake may be daunting, yet once you focus on every little lily pad along the way, getting across becomes easier.
Just like a lily, lotus or water plant, the flower still blooms beautifully despire the muddy waters in its surroundings.